About Us

World Economic Development Organization

The World Economic Development Organization  (WeDo) is a private member association qualified and organized under IRS code 501(a), a non-partisan membership organization serving economic development worldwide. WeDo is an organization of Economic developers promoting economic well-being and quality of life for their communities, by creating, retaining and expanding jobs which facilitate growth, enhance wealth and provide a stable tax base.
From public to private, rural to urban and local to international, WeDo’s members will engage in the full range of economic development. Given the breadth of economic development work, our members are employed in a wide variety of settings including local, state, provincial and federal governments, public-private partnerships, chambers of commerce, universities and a variety of other institutions.
Our members succeed by creating high-quality jobs, develop vibrant communities, and improve the quality of life in their regions.
World Economic Development Organization (WeDo) aspires to fund humanitarian projects which will change the world. We strive to bring the ultimate positive influence on humanity. We aim to improve lives and bring prosperity to all nations. The WeDo member panel is graced by globally renowned individuals of many disciplines and countries.
As per the constitution of the WeDo organization, the President shall remain the head of the organization for life and shall hold the supreme power to alter the constitution and review the affairs of the Organization.
In the absence of the President, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or two Directors nominated by the President will be in charge of all decision making processes of the organization.
The President and CEO have the individual authority to arrange international seminars and symposium anywhere. The selected members of different countries shall work as President’s / Representative of their own country, after having registered WeDo in their respective countries, via prior written approval from the President or the CEO from the head office located in The United States.
The President or the CEO can act as the sole decision maker if it is deemed in the interest of organization.
The executive committee can be granted the power to make elective decision for the betterment of the organization and projects as needed.

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Private Member Association

Since 1803 and a famous Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison, the Constitution as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, is the Supreme Law of the Land. 

If you are a doctor, medical technician, nurse, other health care practitioner, dentist; or if you are in the field of finance, a non-attorney trying to assist others with their legal needs, or any field of human interest, a Private Membership Association will allow anyone to practice with the added protection of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and our Constitutional Rights.

Over the past several decades and due to favorable rulings, opinions and interpretations by the Supreme Court, the law of the land has highlighted our constitutional rights to conduct business in a PMA, or private membership association.  When operating under a  PMA, we are operating in the private domain versus the public domain.

In the public domain one must operate under the jurisdiction of the regulatory agencies designed to protect the public.  In the private domain of a private membership association PMA, one can operate outside the jurisdiction of those same agencies, as long as there is not clear and present danger of substantive evil.

Private organization refers to any person, partnership, corporation, association or agency which is not a public body that is operated for profit. It can be a self-sustaining, non-federal entity, constituted or established and operating on Federal property, by individuals acting outside any official capacity in the federal Government.



World Economic Development Organization

WeDo is also organized as a Wyoming Limited Liability Corporation